David Anthony Photographe
Fashion, Beauty, Body
Mister David Anthony
2 E. Oak St.
60611 Chicago & New York (USA)
Send eMail: click here
Mobile: 646 - 417.3084
2 E. Oak St.
60611 Chicago & New York (USA)
Send eMail: click here
Mobile: 646 - 417.3084
That profile has 2329 visits since 29.04.2007.
Mitgliedschaft: Standard
David Anthony shoots for the int.l editions of Harpers Bazaar, British Cosmo, Marie Claire, Elle, Rolling Stone, and numerous others. His work has also been shown in galleries in LA, Chicago, New York, and New Orleans. David divides his time between New York, Chicago, Paris, and London. He is represented by IM Creative Mgnt. in Miami and Redorf in Asia.
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